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Cómo funciona: El Tech Immersion Placement Programme (TIPP) es una beca concedida por la organización gubernamental de Singapur Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) con el objetivo de apoyar masivamente la colocación de personas en puestos tecnológicos.
Requisitos: debes ser un residente legal en Singapur que busque un empleo en la industria tecnológica. tampoco debes tener ninguna formación o experiencia laboral previa en el campo del curso. y tampoco debes haber sido subvencionado por otro programa TIPP anteriormente. El resto de la matrícula se cubre con gastos personales (no patrocinados por la empresa).
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Requisitos: debes ser un residente legal en Singapur que busque un empleo en la industria tecnológica. tampoco debes tener ninguna formación o experiencia laboral previa en el campo del curso. y tampoco debes haber sido subvencionado por otro programa TIPP anteriormente. El resto de la matrícula se cubre con gastos personales (no patrocinados por la empresa).
How it works: UTAP is a training subsidy available to NTUC and NTUC Starter members, designed to reduce the cost of training and encourage skills upgrading and re-skilling. The NTUC Starter Membership, tailored for youth aged 18 to 25, provides support as they transition from school to the workforce.
With UTAP, NTUC members can receive 50% support for unfunded* course fees, up to $250 annually. For members aged 40 and above, this funding support increases to $500 per year. NTUC Starter members are eligible for 50% unfunded course fee support, capped at $200 per year, for courses supported under UTAP.
*Unfunded course fees refer to the remaining payable amount after applicable government subsidies.
Eligibility:The following criteria must be met to be eligible for UTAP/ UTAP-Lite:
- NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must commence the course or complete the assessment within UTAP approved period.
- NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must submit either certificate of completion of training and assessment or training attendance sheets showing at least 75% attendance for the course(s) and sit for all prescribed examination(s) if any.
- NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must submit claims via UTAP system within 6 months after course/ assessment completion.
- NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must not claim full funding through company sponsorship or other types of funding.
- NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must have paid-up NTUC membership before course/ assessment commencement, throughout the entire course/ assessment duration and at the point of claim.
How it works: Launched in 2015, Skillsfuture is a government initiative designed to promote lifelong learning and empower Singaporeans to enhance their skills with subsidy credits, ensuring they remain employable in an ever-changing job market.
Eligibility: All Singaporeans aged 25 years old and above are eligible to use up to $1000 in Skillsfuture credits to offset the bootcamp course fees.
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Eligibility: All Singaporeans aged 25 years old and above are eligible to use up to $1000 in Skillsfuture credits to offset the bootcamp course fees.