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Como funciona: O Programa de Colocação de Imersão Técnica (TIPP) é uma subvenção concedida pela organização governamental Cingapura Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) com o objetivo de apoiar massivamente as pessoas que estão sendo colocadas em posições técnicas.

Elegibilidade: você deve ser um residente legal em Cingapura procurando ser empregado na indústria tecnológica. você também não deve ter nenhuma educação prévia ou experiência de trabalho na área do curso. e você também não deve ter sido subsidiado por outro programa do TIPP antes. O restante da mensalidade é coberto por despesas pessoais (não patrocinadas pela empresa).
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How it works: UTAP is a training subsidy available to NTUC and NTUC Starter members, designed to reduce the cost of training and encourage skills upgrading and re-skilling. The NTUC Starter Membership, tailored for youth aged 18 to 25, provides support as they transition from school to the workforce.

With UTAP, NTUC members can receive 50% support for unfunded* course fees, up to $250 annually. For members aged 40 and above, this funding support increases to $500 per year. NTUC Starter members are eligible for 50% unfunded course fee support, capped at $200 per year, for courses supported under UTAP.

*Unfunded course fees refer to the remaining payable amount after applicable government subsidies.

Eligibility:The following criteria must be met to be eligible for UTAP/ UTAP-Lite:
  1. NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must commence the course or complete the assessment within UTAP approved period.
  2. NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must submit either certificate of completion of training and assessment or training attendance sheets showing at least 75% attendance for the course(s) and sit for all prescribed examination(s) if any. 
  3. NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must submit claims via UTAP system within 6 months after course/ assessment completion.
  4. NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must not claim full funding through company sponsorship or other types of funding. 
  5. NTUC member/ NTUC Starter member must have paid-up NTUC membership before course/ assessment commencement, throughout the entire course/ assessment duration and at the point of claim.
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How it works: Launched in 2015, Skillsfuture is a government initiative designed to promote lifelong learning and empower Singaporeans to enhance their skills with subsidy credits, ensuring they remain employable in an ever-changing job market.

Eligibility: All Singaporeans aged 25 years old and above are eligible to use up to $1000 in Skillsfuture credits to offset the bootcamp course fees. 
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